Are you interesting in contributing to CSTA in Utah? Do you know someone you think would be a good leader? We will be holding elections in March so please volunteer or nominate someone else by March 10th.
Here is a link to the google form: forms/d/1VK_- 61R95QkNqdUqGlQJknWuxRzqwMv7T3 TUuwOEHGQ/edit
Here is a link to a document explaining the leadership roles: https://docs. 19iTrCMCDNUDicrV3xhQrGYUZqIIKH MWleMszq9tKo4s/edit
Are you great at keeping a website updated? Are you good at writing newsletters? If you have other talents you would like to share that aren't on the list we would still be very happy to have you, just let us know.